Morning Routine

This week I am going to share my morning routine. This differs from when I have something to do that day or not, so I will share with you two types then. For me how I spend my mornings determine how I feel the whole day and my attitude toward that day. So I try to be careful how my mornings are spend.

Get Up

First of all we need to get out of bed. Japan is actually going in to the colder months, which getting out of bed gets harder and harder everyday because of the warmth of your comforter. I use an app called “Sleep Cycle” on my iPhone and the alarm goes off when is the easiest to wake up between the designated 15 minutes. I feel like it has actually changed how I feel when I wake up and how easy it is for me. Then I sit on my bed and stretch, which is a signal for my body to actually wake up and start a new day.

Skincare Ⅰ

Morning skincare is a must because it is important to get rid of all the dirt and the residue of your nighttime skincare. However, it is not good to get rid of too much sebum so I choose the right detergency for my skin. I normally use the Kiehl’s whitening scrub for summer and the Dior snow line face wash for winter. After I towel dry my face gently, I use the Aqualabel whitening lotion and push that in my skin about 2-3 times. I put in my contacts while my lotion is sinking in to the skin and use the Aqualabel whitening emulsion. I have very poor vision so I put in regular contacts everyday. Then I put some hair mist into my hair and brush the knots out. This is the end of my morning skincare for now.

Change & Breakfast

I prepare my breakfast and go back to my own room to change. Then I eat breakfast, which is bread for weekdays and rice for the weekend. My mother sets the table for the weekend except for my drink, but I have to do everything for the weekdays myself. I try to take seasonal fruit as much as I can. My drink of choice is ice milk tea for the summer and milk tea or cafe au lait for the winter. I scroll through SNS or watch TV while eating breakfast for the weekdays and enjoy some time with my parents for the weekends. What I wear when I am in my house is pretty whatever so I am trying to dress better. I will make sure to share them with you guys when the right time comes.

Skincare Ⅱ

I then do the part 2 of my morning skincare. First I start with brushing my teeth, while I do this I try to fit some small fitness. Then I put on sunscreen and I always put it on even when I know I’m not going out. This is because you can get sunburn from the blue light from PC screens and the sun light from your window. If I feel like I want more firmness I will put on some cream from Kiehl’s before my sunscreen. From here it will change if I have something to do or not.

When I was somewhere in Italy

When I have somewhere to go

 I go straight back to my room and start doing makeup. I have no daily makeup that I go to, so I do my makeup according to how I feel that day. Also, I try to put an outfit together in my head while doing my base makeup. So, I will also do my makeup according to my outfit or where I’m going. How I pick out an outfit is very different from time to time so I will share my tips and tricks with you in the near future. (I think I have about 5 types.) Then I change into the outfit I chose and go do my hair. I normally put it up in a half up or leave it as it is because I’m not that good at curling my own hair. Then, I choose my bag, put everything I need in it, and put on my accessories. The last thing I do before going out is put on lips and then I’m out the door.

When I don’t have anything to do

I go straight from the washroom to the sofa and dive in to SNS. It normally starts from insta, goes to twitter and then lastly I end up playing some games that I’m into. I will force myself to end it at around 11-12 and around that time my battery will be running out as well. Then, I go back to my room and do what I need to do for the day which is normally writing a blog post or reading some books or studying.

This is the end of my morning routine. Of course, I don’t do this every morning but I try to make a flow in my morning so that I have a good start to my day everyday. It has also made me not feeling as gloomy when I wake up. I also feel that I am more productive when I kind of go with this morning routine. To some people’s surprise making a morning routine might actually gain you some extra minutes of sleep. I always make sure that I am not rushed during my morning routine. (Even though, I am rushing out the door often.) As always it has been a long one so thank you so much for reading all the way.