2024 started off by me coming back to Japan in February and taking some time off from University. However, I’m not taking this as a time for me to just rest and be lazy, but by doing a lot of things I have wanted to do. I am very fortunate that my parents are letting me be a student for this time, so I want to make the most out of it. So, I’m going to write about my goals for the latter half of 2024.
- Study Wine
I have always been interested in wine, so I’m going to take this time for me to study wine instead of what I need to at uni. I have been working at restaurants in hotels, so wine has always been very close to me. Also, my mom drinks a lot of New Zealand white wine. I also drink a decent amount of rosé and sparkling. I also started to go to wine school from May and now studying for a test in August.
- Losing Weight
I have been saying that I want to lose weight for a long time, but this year is going to be the year that I go through with it. I have been eating quite some amount of chips after dinner, and because of that I have scaled my heaviest weight in my life. And that ended up with me not being able to wear most of my clothes beautifully. So that really told me that I need to lose weight. I know that I’m eating too much to the amount of activity I do daily. So I think that I can lose weight easily if I just eat less than I do right now. I don’t really like to workout that much, so I’m going to focus on how much and what I’m eating. But of course I will be moving my body as much as I can in the meantime.
- Manage My SNS Properly
I have also always been saying that I want to upload one blog every week and manage my Instagram and X, and I haven’t been able to every year. I’m going to make this year that I do it right for this as well. I’m going to aim for blogs once a week, Instagram once every 5 days and stories once a day, and once a day for X. I have goals which I would like to achieve via social media, so I would like to work towards that. I have so much free time this year, so there should be enough time for me to upload. Also if there is any request for this blog or any other social media, please feel free to send me a message.
- Visit A Lot of Places
As I’ve said this year I have the most free time ever in my life, so I would like to visit a lot of places. However, I don’t want to just go to a lot of places, I would like to visit somewhere that can increase my culture or level up my aesthetic sense. I have already visited a museum and went to a golf and rugby game. I would like to go see Kabuki, visit more art museums and exhibitions in the latter half. I think this is a good time for me to upgrade myself as a person, so I would like to actively upgrade myself by ways that are not able from working or studying.
This is the end of my goals for the latter half of 2024. As I’ve wrote before it is very crucial for me to have goals, so I’ve wrote this post here. (It’s also for me to count myself accountable.) There have been too many times that I haven’t been able to fulfill my goals, so I am really going to work hard this time to end the year with me saying “I fulfilled all my dreams!”. Please let me know what your goals for the latter half of 2024 is in the comment. See you next week!